
Regional Transportation Planning

Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission partners with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) to provide local input on the region’s transportation system. This input comes through the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) which is made up of two representatives from each of the seven counties we serve. Kaysinger is very active in many MoDOT-sponsored meetings, statewide planning initiatives, statewide needs prioritization, and corridor improvement groups.

Kaysinger Regional Transportation Plan

2024 Kaysinger Regional Transportation Plan

Kaysinger’s Regional Transportation Plan has been prepared on behalf of its member governments and citizens of the region to assist MoDOT in developing and maintaining the region’s vast transportation systems. The purpose of this document is to submit the transportation needs of the Kaysinger region to MoDOT for inclusion in the state’s Long-Range Transportation Plan, or LRTP, and the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan, or STIP. The LRTP deals with needs over a twenty-year period, whereas the STIP covers only a five-year period. Missouri’s Long-Range Transportation Plan addresses how Missourians’ expectations for the state’s transportation system can be met over the next twenty-five years. Through an initiative aptly named On the Move, MoDOT communicates with thousands of Missourians to learn what they expect from the state’s transportation system.

Southwest District Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (2023-2027)

Missouri High-Priority Unfunded Needs List (Road & Bridge) 2024-2028

Kaysinger  Public Transit Human Services Transportation Coordination on Plan

Kaysinger 2023 PTHSTCP

The Kaysinger Transit Coordination Plan encompasses all of the Kaysinger region and includes participation from all public, private, and non-profit transportation providers and local area providers. The strategies and actions discussed in the plan are used to determine funding priorities through three separate programs: Transportation for Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities, Job Access and Reverse Commute, and New Freedom. Current grant applications will immediately benefit from identified strategies for improved transportation coordination. Future applications will rely upon guidance from this plan to promote projects at the state and national levels.

Key elements included in the plan are:

  • An assessment of transportation needs for individuals with disabilities, older adults, and persons with limited incomes.
  • An inventory of available services that identifies areas of redundant service and gaps in services
  • Strategies to address the identified gaps in services.
  • Identifications of coordination actions to eliminate or reduce duplication in services and strategies for more efficient utilization of resources.
  • Prioritization of implementation strategies.

Transportation Prioritization

District Prioritization 2022

Kaysinger continues to serve as the leading voice for regional transportation planning in west-central Missouri and remains a dedicated supporter and facilitator of communication between MoDOT and the cities and counties in our region. In support of regional transportation planning, Kaysinger and MoDOT work in partnership each year to develop and execute a transportation work plan designed to allow local input into statewide transportation planning. Below is a list of the top 10 Road and Bridge projects on the regional transportation priorities list.

Priority Area Route Location
Henry County, Clinton
MO 7
Evaluation and access improvements on Route 7, east of Route 13
Hickory County, Preston
US 54
Intersection improvements at the Route 54 and Route 65 intersections
Benton/Henry Counties
MO 7
Safety and capacity improvements from Clinton to Warsaw, including existing alignment needs.
St. Clair County, Lowry City
MO 13
Intersection sight distance improvements looking southbound for northbound traffic; from the median between north and southbound lanes at 3rd St. and Casey’s.
Cedar County, El Dorado Springs
MO 82
Geometric and drainage improvements from Hainline Street to Hwy H on sharp curve.
St. Clair County, Lowry City
MO 13
Lengthening of left turn lane at the intersection of Mo 13, SSR-A and SSR-C near Lowry City.
Vernon County, Deerfield
US 54
Intersection and safety improvements at County Road 750 at Emery’s Truck Stop
Cedar County, El Dorado Springs
US 54
0.8 miles east of the 54/32 intersection in El Dorado Springs to include a 3-lane section with a turn lane. Earmarked for future study.
Hickory County
US 54
Safety improvements from the St. Clair County line to the Camden County line. Potential scoping project.
Vernon County, Nevada
Austin Blvd.
Stoplight at the exit from I-49 at Austin Blvd. and ramp widening.
Bates County, Adrian
I 49
Corridor extension from MO 18 east of Adrian to Route D in Passaic.
Bates County, Butler
Ft. Scott/MO 52/Orange St
Intersection improvements at the intersection of Fort Scott St. and Orange St.
Benton County, Warsaw
US 65/MO 7
Improve access and ramp extensions to and from US 65/MO 7 South and North at Main St. exit.
Bates County, Butler
Fort Scott & Fran St.
Intersection improvements at Fort Scott and Fran Ave. for better accommodations for business development.
Hickory County, Hermitage
US 54
Line of sight issues throughout city limits.

Kaysinger Bicycle & Pedestrian Prioritization

  1. Benton County, Lincoln: Traffic Calming and crossing needed at Hwy 65 across from the school.
  2. Henry County, Clinton: Safety improvements and pedestrian accommodation on Ohio St. and Route 7
  3. St. Clair County, Osceola: Safety improvements and pedestrian accommodations on Business Route 13 from Housing Authority to Casey’s.
  4. Hickory County, Hermitage: Safety improvements and pedestrian accommodations on US 54 near Casey’s.
  5. Vernon County, Nevada: Safety improvements & pedestrian accommodations between Austin Blvd (US 54) and W Park Ave. near the new elementary school.
  6. Benton County, Warsaw: Connecting Rt. 7 northbound to Jackson St/Lay Ave and Rt. 7 southbound to Ferry St. via bike and pedestrian ramps.
  7. Benton County, Warsaw: Develop pedestrian access and safety improvements on the Lake of the Ozarks bridge on US 65 near Warsaw.

Livable Streets Plans-Plans for Connecting All Users of Public Streets to Everyday Destinations

Livable Streets and Complete Streets policies have been successfully used in Missouri to help change these trends. These policies represent approaches that consider the needs of all users and help them get to where they need to go safely. Citizens benefit from increased physical activity, and communities benefit when their small businesses see more customers or homeowners see their property values rise.

Missouri is a national leader in the Complete Streets movement, with more than 2.7 million Missourians living in municipalities with Livable or Complete Streets policy. Created in 2010 as a public-private partnership between state, local, and private organizations and citizens, the Complete Streets Policy helps more communities learn about the benefits of transportation planning for all users. Each year, more communities are choosing to write and implement their own policies. It isn’t just about building sidewalks and bike lanes; it’s about making our communities more connected and open to people regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation. Livable Streets policies promote healthy, vibrant communities that businesses want to invest in, people want to live in, and tourists want to visit.

Completed Walkability Plans

Kaysinger Transportation Advisory Committee

Kaysinger serves as a planning partner with MoDOT and engages in a prioritization process to identify transportation needs to be included in Missouri’s consideration for the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is the key to this prioritization process comprised of representatives from cities and counties within the Kaysinger seven-county region. The Kaysinger TAC Board meets every 3rd Thursday of the odd months before the Kaysinger Board of Directors meeting.

Bates County

Benton County

Cedar County

Henry County

Hickory County

St. Clair County

Vernon County

Kaysinger TAC Received Excellence Award

The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) presented the Kaysinger Transportation Advisory Council (TAC) Board with an “Excellence in Regional Transportation” award for the board’s planning efforts on the Amendment 7 Project Prioritization Process. The award was accepted by State Highways and Transportation Commissioner Gregg Smith, TAC Board President Randy Pogue, and the 2015 TAC Board.

Other MODOT Information

R.O.U.T.E.S. Applicant Toolkit for Competitive Funding Programs at USDOT

Check MoDOT’s Traveler Info Map for weather-related road conditions, flood closures & work zone locations.

For information about Free Safety Initiatives thru MoDOT’s Blueprint for Safety Program, please visit

Any MoDOT grant awardees must use their LPA manual which is located at

For more information, visit To report road conditions in your area, call 1-888-ASK-MODOT or contact a member of your local TAC Committee.

Check out MoDOT’s Traveler Information System for incidents, closed roads, winter road conditions, work zones, and future work zones.

Have you ever wondered how transportation funding works in Missouri? Check out this guide from the Missouri Department of Transportation! 


Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission (hereinafter “KBRPC”) hereby gives public notice that it is the policy of KBRPC to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice, and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities.

Title VI requires that no person in the United States of America shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the City receives federal financial assistance.

Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI has a right to file a formal complaint with the KBRPC. Any such complaint must be in writing and filed with the KBRPC’s Title VI Coordinator within one hundred eighty (180) days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence.

For more information or to obtain a Title VI Discrimination Complaint Form, please call KBRPC at 660-885-3393, or visit our office at 221 N 2nd St. Clinton, MO 64735.


Title VI Complaint Form