In 2015, Kaysinger developed Disaster Related Land Use Studies to provide the necessary information to develop preparedness and mitigation strategies that would be useful in the event of a natural disaster. This plan works in conjunction with the Hazard Mitigation Plans. By planning for and managing land use to enhance sustainability, we can reduce our vulnerability to disasters. There were four risk-sensitive areas that this study focused on: Emergency Warning Systems, Community Safe Room, Critical Infrastructure, and Flood Zones.
In the development of these plans, it was found that more deaths occurred due to flooding of low water crossings in our region than tornado-related deaths. These studies were conducted for Bates, Cedar, Hickory, St. Clair, and Vernon County. These plans, which may be amended, will serve as a general guide to assist officials and citizens in making future decisions, affecting the land use in their area.
Land-use planning is one of the most challenging issues to implement because of conflicting values held about the land by different segments of the population. Deciding how to use land is demanding enough. It is even more challenging if there are competing views about the role that land should play in reducing collective exposure to risk. The massive cost of potential disasters can pose a significant threat to achieving the economic development goals KBRPC has worked so hard to set forth.
Land use planning is a newly emerging disaster reduction method. It is a potentially powerful mitigation tool as it seeks to mitigate the risk and vulnerability from several geological and other hazards. The planning and control of land use include a vast spectrum of general policies about it which leave determining effects and influences on programs and plans of urban development and cover economic, environmental, social, and political aspects.
2015 Bates County Disaster Related Land Use Plan
2015 Cedar County Disaster Related Land Use Plan
2015 Hickory County Disaster Related Land Use Plan
2015 St. Clair County Disaster Related Land Use Plan
2015 Vernon County Disaster Related Land Use Plan