JLUS – Joint Land Use Study

Camp Clark Joint Land Use Study

The Office of Economic Adjustment’s (OEA’s) Compatible Use Program promotes cooperative planning efforts among military installations, ranges, and military training corridors, and surrounding communities. Technical and financial assistance is provided to State and local governments to plan and implement a Joint Use Study (JLUS), a strategic plan with specific implementation actions to ensure civilian growth and development are compatible with vital training, testing, and other military operations. The JLUS process promotes and enhances civilian and military communication and collaboration serves as a catalyst to sustain the military mission and promotes public health, safety, quality of life, and economic viability of a region.

JLUS recommendations have been made in order to promote responsible land-use planning near Camp Clark, to accommodate compatible growth and economic development in the region, to protect public safety and quality of life, and to sustain the mission of Camp Clark for the long term.  The Study recommends ways to enhance communication and coordination among local and regional stakeholders.

The Camp Clark JLUS was conducted through existing local planning processes and evaluated the lands within a one-mile area around Camp Clark, designated as the “JLUS Focus Area.”  Participants in the study included the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission (KBRPC), the City of Nevada, Vernon County, and other affected stakeholders. A map of the JLUS Focus Area can be found under the Project Materials tab above under the folder titled “Background Information.”

The Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission was the Study Sponsor, which selected the White & Smith Planning and Law Group Consulting Team to complete the Study.  Joining White & Smith are partners Marstel-Day, LLC and Benchmark CMR, Inc.


The Camp Clark Joint Land Use Study is overseen by two steering committees, the Technical Committee and Policy Committee, each appointed by the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission, the agency hosting the Joint Land Use Study.  The process is comprised of three major components:

1. Evaluation of Existing Conditions

This portion includes site visits, background document reviews, and meetings with the public and key stakeholders in the community identified by the steering committees. Relevant background materials include economic and demographic trends, land use projections, public infrastructure policies, transportation conditions, and training missions and impacts associated with Camp Clark.

2. Land Use Compatibility Assessment

This component will identify exiting and anticipated land use trends on Camp Clark and on the lands within about one mile of the Training Center, designated as the JLUS Focus Area. Click here for a map showing the Focus Area. This gives us the opportunity to understand what areas already have been developed, those that remain vacant, and those where existing uses already are compatible with operations at Camp Clark.

3. Study Development and Implementation Options

In the final phase, we will assemble all background information, compatibility analyses, and will identify options for the community to consider after the study is completed. These may include enhanced communication and coordination, land use compatibility, and public awareness campaigns. Implementation options are presented for consideration by this community to determine for itself the appropriateness of any options for this region.

JLUS Project Documentation

Camp Clark JLUS presentations, reports, and other project documents will be posted in this section. The view the Final Camp Clark Joint Land Use Study Report, please click here. To view individual documents related to the project please click on the links below:

JLUS Partners

The Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) has provided technical and financial assistance to Camp Clark through the designated study sponsor, KBRPC, to conduct a Joint Land Use Study (JLUS).  The study presents recommendations for the community to adopt in an effort to promote compatible development and to protect public health, safety, and welfare while ensuring the mission of the installation is upheld.

The JLUS process is overseen by two Steering Committees: a Technical Committee and Policy Committee, each made of citizens and agency representatives from the community.  The Technical Committee identifies and studies technical matters related to land use, while the Policy Committee offers guidance and input as the Study is developed and Implementation Options are evaluated.  In order to see notes from the Technical Committee and Policy Committee meetings, please refer to the “Steering Committee Meetings” section of the Project Materials.


The Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) is a cooperative planning effort between Camp Clark and the surrounding communities that examines the way this National Guard Training Center operates and the way the lands surrounding it are growing.  The study’s purpose is to ensure the National Guard training missions can continue without degrading the public health, safety, and welfare or the qualify of life of its neighbors while ensuring that compatible economic development continues in the region.

The military is undergoing an important transformation to face today’s new mission, training, and budget realities. The JLUS helps to support this transformation by ensuring that new growth in the areas around Camp Clark does not interfere with the ability to carry out the National Guard’s critical training mission here.

The JLUS does not result in any new or additional zoning or land use requirements.  It simply identifies the range of tools the community may wish to consider after the Study is complete in order to sustain a compatible environment around Camp Clark.
Some communities do use traditional zoning techniques, like overlay zones or limited military zoning.  This technique was adopted in Johnson County, for example, but only in close proximity to Whiteman Air Force Base.  Other communities, however, wish to consider non-regulatory tools like informal coordination agreements; signage indicating areas of noise or other impacts, or real estate disclosures to protect their community’s military or National Guard Training Centers.  What tools, if any, are implemented in this community is entirely up to this community and the elected local government leaders, and are not dictated by the JLUS.

First, we welcome any and all input.  Comments can be submitted to the consultant team at any time.
Second, we will be holding public information sessions throughout the remainder of the year and the study. The times and locations of these sessions will be posted to this website and will be advertised in local news outlets and community calendars.

To view the information that Camp Clark has provided describing its current training environment, Click Here.


The Joint Land Use Study report was provided for public review and comment during the month of October of  2014 and was the subject of our Public Outreach session on October 21st. Comments received from the public were supportive of the effort and report. On October 22, 2014, the JLUS Steering Committees accepted the report and requested Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission to take appropriate next steps. Notes and minutes from those meetings are posted under the Project Materials section above.  They are also documented in the Final Joint Land Use Study Report.

Kaysinger in conjunction with Camp Clark, the City of Nevada, Vernon County, the Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce, and White & Smith, LLC, are currently working on the implementation of the final study completed in 2014. Military communities are facing new challenges: missions and operations are changing and being realigned, military planes are getting louder, and communities continue to grow and seek out needed economic development opportunities. This plan was put in place in order to help the City of Nevada and Vernon County grow economically without encroaching on Camp Clark. Over the next 6 months, the items discussed in the final plan will be implemented to achieve both these goals. Continue to check back for more updates as they come up. We appreciate the involvement of the public throughout our work effort and also the input of the Steering Committees, the participating jurisdictions, and of Camp Clark.