The Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant Program, named in honor of the late preservation leader from Vermont, fosters economic development in rural communities through the rehabilitation of historic buildings in those communities. The program provides recipients (referred to as prime grantees) with a single grant that is then regranted in smaller amounts to individual projects (subgrants).
Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission (KBRPC) in Clinton, MO has been named one of seventeen recipients for the National Park Service Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization grant from the Historic Preservation Fund administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. The Historic Preservation Fund is supported by revenue from offshore oil and gas lease revenues. This project which will establish a subgrant program administered by Kaysinger Basin RPC that will support regional economic development and resiliency through the preservation of historic properties in KBRPC’s seven county rural communities in West Central Missouri.
KBRPC will provide a competitive subgrant program to eligible public and private owners of historical properties for renovation and rehabilitation of commercial and community properties that currently house critical small businesses and community functions that are necessary for the region’s economic health now and into the future. This critical financial assistance will provide targeted investments in the region, will ensure the viability and preservation of the region’s historical properties, and will facilitate awareness and education about the region’s history.
Qualifying historic properties located in Kaysinger’s seven-county region of Bates, Benton, Cedar, Hickory, Henry, St. Clair and Vernon and in communities that have a population of 9,500 or less can apply for subgrants. The property must be listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and achieve listing before the end of the project.
KBRPC’s ultimate goal is to spur regional economic development and support community activities through the renovation of historical properties. Grant recipients will receive support to navigate the National Register of Historic Places process as well as other requirements of the grant. Additionally, KBRPC will advise recipients on economic development best practices to ensure the greatest return on investment. KBRPC anticipates the awarded projects will significantly enhance the region visually which will provide a notable boost in tourism, growth, and education as well as inspire investment in surrounding properties that will improve the overall aesthetics of the region and ensure economic development, workforce retention, and historical vitality throughout Kaysinger’s rural communities.
More details to follow regarding this program in the near future. Please check KBRPC’s Facebook page and website for more information and updates (, or call Shannon Stewart, Program Director, at 417-298-6070, email: [email protected].